Pictured below, Krystal and Lévélé.

As we all know, Krystal Fish loves her community and her country and would do anything to support them. Education is also a big part of what she is trying to improve and keep the quality of education for children in this Amazing country. Last week Krystal fish went to a local store in Bethesda, Maryland, to shop for her three children.
Krystal Fish is a proud mother of four. Over the years, her fantastic family has grown; she has two eight-year-old twins named Gargamel and Guillermo, a 20-year-old boy named Lévélé, a freshman in High School. In addition, she has bred three beautiful boys and fostered a 10-year-old girl named Wilhelmina-Willow from Kansas City.
She fostered her girl soon after her separation with her serial killer husband, Fish the Ripper, now facing the death sentence. She is not affected by her partners, past and future, and will not let them control her. As a result, she can assure her future people's safety of serial killers of some of the people she knows best.
And of course you can't forget about Dude and Phoebe, the doggos.